Consulting Services

The main field of our activity is to provide integrated services in Business Resources Management and Business Intelligence.

The main guidelines of the company are to provide a comprehensive philosophy and methodology to increase the competitiveness and productivity, orientated to the development and optimization of Business Recourses in order to achieve the strategic objectives of each business. To reach our goal we use business intelligence systems and decision-making support systems which utilize models and methods of operational research (decision analysis, multicriteria analysis, optimization algorithms e.t.c.). The above systems convert data to knowledge, help improve the decision-making process and generally improve the efficiency and competitiveness of the company.  

Specifically, the services provided include identification of needs, definition of specifications and functions selection of the integrated system, redesign business procedures to a more efficient business operation, project management, customization and adaptation of the integrated solution to the businesses’ operating conditions, support the system data entry, user training, consultancy services on strategic management, human resources management and reorganization of business processes.