Agro Technologies

The fields of new technologies, telecommunications but also information systems development and particularly their integration into agribusiness internal procedures, can give an explosive boost in food industry, due to specific requirements for simultaneous increase of agricultural production, sustainable management of natural resources, public health protection and strengthening of client's trust.

In the context of integrated management practices a tendency in modern agriculture is called Precision Agriculture. It is a modern methodology related to cultivation and processes, such as data and information provision, observation and assessment of cultivation condition and processes control and management. The main technology, in which Precision Agriculture is based on, is “Wireless Sensor Networks”. The use of wireless sensors is an important part of the overall effort for the use of modern control and information exploitation methods so as to achieve the goal of Precision Agriculture. It is actually the method of taking measurements from several points on a farming area.

Green Projects develops and implements integrated support systems for precision agriculture procedures.